Chicken Stock
So the other day I went to Safeway, and in the marked down meat I found chicken leg quarters for 50% off! Chicken leg quarters are the leg with the thigh attached. So I got 10lbs for $5.00. Two 5 pound packages! They were still in date for two days! So, I threw one package in the freezer and the other I put in my largest stockpot, added an onion, couple carrots, a few garlic cloves, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper, and some parsley. Then, I filled it up as full as I could with water. I brought it up to a boil, then simmered about an hour and a half. I pulled out the chicken and de-boned it (when it was cool enough to handle) - I got enough chicken for 2 casseroles. That went in the freezer. I put the whole stock pot in the fridge until the next day. The next day, all the fat had hardened to the top of the stock, I scooped that out and tossed it. I strained the remaining broth into my other stock pot, and boiled it up for about 5 minutes. Then I poured it into clean jars and sealed. Now I have 4 quarts of glorious home-made chicken stock!!! I use a lot of chicken stock in my recipes. You can use it for soup, to make rice, gravy, even to just flavor vegetables. The bonus is - I have another package in the freezer, which will make all of the above!! (enough chicken for 2 casseroles and 4 quarts of stock). All-in-all that's 4 meals and a lot of stock! This is smart shopping- yay!
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